+40 314.14.8810

  +40 730.01.7939


Python Programming (from beginner to intermediate level)

Virtual 2024-10-14 - 2024-10-18 RO 850 € Inscriere
Virtual 2024-11-11 - 2024-11-15 RO 850 €

750 €

Virtual 2024-12-09 - 2024-12-13 RO 850 € Inscriere

GTR = sesiune garantata

*Pretul nu include TVA si este valabil pentru un participant inscris la sesiuni publice sau la un curs in format SPVC sau WBT.
Inscrierea la o sesiune publica nu va garanteaza rezervarea unui loc. La scurt timp de la momentul inscrierii, veti fi contactat de un reprezentant Kluger pentru confirmarea rezervarii si a pretului final.
Disponibilitatea acestui curs in alte formate de livrare, sub un cod diferit, se poate verifica in portofoliu.
Daca doriti o sesiune privata, cu agenda standard sau adaptata nevoilor dvs., va rugam sa ne contactati.

  • In this 40-hour training session participants will learn about key features of the Python programming language and what Python is best suited for, with real life examples and exercises.
     The course will be mostly practical, and highly interactive. The participants are expected to collaborate, ask questions, and devise their own exercises, with the trainer’s assistance.

  • Turning the participants into self-sufficient Python programmers, able to build an application from scratch, with a core understanding of Python essentials that they can later build upon unassisted.

  • Developers, sysadmins and other technically-oriented people, with little or no experience in Python development but with certain experience in programming language.

  • Participants are expected to have a certain level of technical proficiency. Previous programming experience is highly recommended, regardless of the programming language.
    They should have work experience with concepts like: variables, control structures (conditionals, loops), functions, object-oriented programming (classes, instances, methods).
    • Some knowledge of basic shell commands and version-control systems (git) are also recommended.
    • The desire to put the required effort into the process of learning a new programming language.

    1. Introduction
    • -             History
    • -             Key features of the language
    • -             Installing Python
    • -             Alternative implementations
    • -             Running Python scripts. The Python shell
    • -             Choosing the right tools for developing in Python
    • -             Python ecosystem (standard library + 3rd party packages)
    • -             Python Package Manager (pip)
    • -             Isolated Python environments (virtualenv)
    1. The Language
    • -             Logical lines vs physical lines
    • -             Comments
    • -             Indentation
    • -             Docstrings
    • -             Styleguide (PEP8)

    2.5 (interlude) Everything in Python is an object

    1. Built-in Types (I)
    • -             Truth Value Testing
    • -             Boolean Operations (and, or, not)
    • -             Comparisons
    • -             Numeric types (bool, int, float)
    • -             Text sequence type (str)
    • -             Binary sequence type (bytes)
    1. Control Flow
    • -             Conditionals (if statement)
    • -             Looping (for/while statements)
    • -             The range() function
    • -             Loop alteration (break/continue)
    • -             Exception handling (try statement)
    • -             Explicitly raising exceptions (raise)
    1. Organizing and reusing code
    • -             Functions: definition
    • -             Function input (arguments)
    • -             Function output (return statement)
    • -             The empty instruction (pass)
    • -             Variable Scope and Lifetime. The LEGB rule
    • -             Modules and Packages
    • -             import statement
    1. Built-in Types (II)
    • -             Sequence types (list, tuple)
    • -             Mutable vs Immutable types
    • -             Set types (set, frozenset)
    • -             Mapping types (dict)
    • -             Functions with variable-length arguments. Argument unpacking
    1. Functional Programming
    • -             Iterators
    • -             Generator expressions
    • -             Comprehensions
    • -             Generators
    • -             Anonymous functions (lambda)
    • -             Built-in functions (filter, map, enumerate, sorted, zip)
    • -             itertools module
    1. Decorators
    • -             Functions roles and uses
    • -             Simple decorators
    • -             Decorators with arguments
    1. Object-Oriented Programming
    • -             Classes and Instances
    • -             Class members: attributes
    • -             Class members: methods
    • -             Dunder (magic) methods and attributes. Operator overloading
    • -             Static and class methods
    • -             Access control solutions
    • -             Getter/Setter methods. The property class
    • -             Inheritance
    • -             Built-in methods useful in OOP (isinstance, issubclass, getattr, setattr, hasattr)
    • -             Metaclasses
    1. I/O Operations
    • -             Basic file operations
    • -             Context managers (with statement)
    • -             Working with the file system (os, os.path, glob)
    • -             Keyboard input
    • -             Parsing command line arguments (argparse)
    1. Testing your code
    • -             Why should we test code?
    • -             Types of testing
    • -             Testing frameworks (unittest, pytest)
    1. Other useful modules (one or more of the list below, depending on the participants' interests)
    • -             Regular expressions (re)
    • -             Basic date and time types (datetime)
    • -             Communicating with external processes (subprocess)
    • -             Parallel processing (threading, multiprocessing)
    • -             Data formats (json, csv)
    • -             Logging (logging)