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Cursuri Microsoft Office

Vendor Cod Denumire Durata Data
Microsoft PC4903 Visual Basic pentru Aplicatii in Excel 2019- nivel incepatori 3 zile 2025-04-14
Microsoft KLG_VS Microsoft Visio 2019 2 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS10997 Office 365 Administration and Troubleshooting 3 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS20347 Enabling and Managing Office 365 5 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS20779 Analysing Data wih Excel 2016 2 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS55268 Microsoft Power Automate for End Users 1 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS55279A Introduction to Microsoft Access 2019 2 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS55283A Office 365 Power User 3 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS55301A Mastering Microsoft Project 2019 3 zile La cerere
Microsoft MS_01x Microsoft Excel, nivel intermediar-avansat 2 zile La cerere
Microsoft PC4913 Visual Basic pentru Aplicatii in Excel 2019- nivel avansat 3 zile La cerere

Cursurile disponibile la cerere vor fi programate in functie de solicitari.