Experienta de peste 15 ani in livrarea serviciilor de educatie IT ne-a ajutat sa punem bazele unor parteneriate de succes cu traineri si consultanti IT cu experienta internationala, buni pedagogi si experti in domeniu, pasionati si dornici sa impartaseasca din cunostintele si expertiza acumulate in multi ani de practica.
Tratam solicitarile cu profesionalism si dedicare si ajutam companiile in procesul de identificare a cursurilor potrivite si a celor mai eficiente solutii de invatare si perfectionare pentru angajatii lor.
Dezvoltam constant portofoliul de cursuri si ne adaptam usor cerintelor din piata.
Construim parteneriate durabile cu clientii nostri punand accent pe calitatea serviciilor oferite, etica, promptitudine si profesionalism.
Formate de livrare disponibile:
- ILT ( instructor led training, face to face) - curs organizat cu instructor in sala
- ILO ( instructor led On-Line, no travel)/Virtual - curs organizat cu instructor On-Line
- SPVC( self paced virtual course with Lab)/On Demand – acest format presupune studiu individual cu acces remote la laborator timp de 30, 45 sau 90 de zile. Perioada de acces variaza in functie de vendor.
- WBT(web based training without Lab)/e-Learning – acest format presupune studiu individual fara acces la laborator
Cursurile cu instructor in sala(ILT) sau virtual(ILO) pot fi organizate sub forma de
- Sesiuni publice deschise inregistrarii persoanelor fizice si angajatilor oricarei companii.
- Sesiuni private adresate angajatilor unei singure companii. Sunt livrate in locatiile Kluger, la sediul beneficiarului in orice oras din tara sau live online. Oferta pentru sesiunile private se transmite in baza unei solicitari, iar perioada de livrare se stabileste de comun acord cu beneficiarul.
Ce spun participantii la cursurile noastre:
Sesiuni Docker (1 day) and Kubernetes (4 days) / Kubernetes for developers
- "Am participat la cursul de Docker si Kubernetes, o experienta foarte placuta, trainerul pasionat de ceea ce preda si un curs care este proaspat si usor de urmat. Sper sa ma întorc cât de curând si la alte cursuri!"
- "Mi-au placut competitiile de la finalul fiecarui capitol si troubleshootingul de la final. Nu a fost ceva care sa nu imi placa. Explicatiile destul de usor de inteles."
- "Modul interactiv de predare, explicatiile trainerului, explicarea clara si imbinarea teoriei cu practica, plus jocul de la final si toate testele de cunostinte."
- "Am avut ocazia sa particip la cursul de Docker and Kubernetes, sunt foarte multumit de curs si stilul predat. Atmosfera profesionala, cursul calitativ iar "profesorul" bine informat. Recomand!"
- "Very well organized and the tutors really knowledgeable."
- "I want to thank you for a brilliant course, I have learned many new things about Docker and K8s. Kudos for trainers!"
- "The course was well structured and I also liked the Labs part."
- "The fact that is was very hands on (the labs are really useful)"
- "Mi-a placut faptul ca pe parcursul cursului, a incercat pe cat posibil sa faca legatura intre ideile din kubernetes si alte concepte asemanatoare din domeniu(cu unele idei din linux/unix de exemplu). Prin asociere se pot asimila mai usor unele cunostiinte."
- "Mi se pare foarte tare cum a prezentat si cum a structurat cursul si laboratoarele."
- "Performanta instructorului a fost excelenta. Ca persoana si mod de interactiune, trainerul este un om de nota 10++."
- "Cel mai mult mi-a placut faptul ca a detaliat foarte bine conceptele prezentate, fara sa lase loc de nedumeriri. Mi a placut faptul ca in momentul cand i s-au pus intrebari, a raspuns astfel incat sa clarifice foarte bine lucrurile."
- "Intercalarea materialelor practice cu partea teoretica. Demo-urile din timpul cursurilor au fost schimbari de ritm foarte bune. CTF-ul de la final a fost un mod fain de a incheia cursul."
- "Mi-a placut structura foarte clara bazata pe o parte teoretica foarte bine conceputa si o parte practica care a reusit sa fixeze lucrurile prezentate. In acelasi timp mi-a placut faptul ca nu am intampinat probleme tehnice semnificative pe parcursul cursului, chiar daca am folosit masini remote, iar problemele mici care au aparut au fost rezolvate foarte repede. Mi a placut faptul ca am reusit sa inteleg conceptele prezentate, chiar daca eram novice in acest domeniu, ceea ce pune in evidenta faptul ca modul de predare a fost unul eficient. Cred ca a fost un curs foarte bun per total si ma bucur ca am luat parte la el. Felicitari !"
Sesiuni Python Programming
- "Mi-a placut ca instructorul ne incuraja destul de mult sa punem intrebari , sa ne ajute. Lucrurile explicate de el a fost destul de clare. Nu pot zice ca e ceva ce mi-a displacut."
- "There is nothing to point in the dislike area, and i most liked the fact that the course was interactive with as many examples as the time allowed our Trainer, so very satisfied for all the given details."
- "I really liked that she was committed, eager to answer our questions and our real life scenarios. There wasn't something I disliked :)"
- "I like that the instructor is knowledgeable and passionate about the subject and she manages to give simple explanations for not so obvious parts."
- "Good approach on my daily working area and hopefully we could implement in our work what we have learned"
- "In timp scurt s-a reusit parcurgerea unui limbaj de programare si mi-a dat un imbold sa continui aprofundarea lucrurilor invatate prin practicarea unor exemple."
- "I could tell that the trainer had a deep knowledge of the subject, it was a very good overview of Python."
- "I liked that we discussed the solutions of the exercises and we saw different approaches. Kahoot was also a nice idea to exercise what we learnt :) I also liked the examples and the live coding sessions. The exercises and materials were very well prepared."
Sesiuni Java Fundamentals
- "I liked the fact that we were explained all the notions in a logical manner with details about why we have to use a particular implementation and what happens under the hood ; all that through practical examples;"
- "Foarte competent instructorul si foarte profesionist. Face intotdeauna tot posibilul sa intelegem toti si sa raspunda la toate intrebarile. Este foarte adaptabil. Mi-ar placea ca intr-o buna zi sa stiu si eu un limbaj de programare asa cum cunoaste el Java. Nu pot gasi nimic negativ."
- "De obicei cursurile de fundamentals acopera subiecte foarte de baza, de genul if/else, bucle etc, care din punctul meu de vedere ar fi fost inutile din moment ce am mai lucrat deja in alte limbaje. Am apreciat ca trainerul s-a adaptat audientei si nu am parcurs aceste subiecte simple."
- "The form in which information was presented to us. How trainer adapted his class to our experience and and knowledge. Information level that set us fundamentals in this programming language."
Sesiuni Java Programming
- "I liked the instructor way of teaching. If the university would have teaches like him, I would be 100% present at all courses."
- "Mi-a placut modul degajat de a expune informatia si exemplele date."
- "The atmosphere and the topics discussed that are very useful for our professional development."
- "Interactive learning, real-life examples, code examples, additional information, fanny, patient, responsive."
- "I liked all the examples and the explanations!"
- "I liked that he offered a lot of real life examples of using what we learn. I liked the atmosphere and the fact that he answered to our questions even if they were off topic."
- "He was eager to share his knowledge with us and taught us useful stuff."
- "He is very passionate about programming and thus, he can expose his ideas in a very understanding way."
- "I liked his passion for teaching others. He is obsessed with details. :-)"
Sesiuni Java Spring
- "I liked the eagerness to help us learn by embracing any question we had, no matter how dumb or complicated (we discovered the answer together)."
- "I believe that the success of a course lies in its trainer and I consider that this week was extremely productive because of the patience, the explanations, the examples, and the answers that our trainer provided us. Thanks a lot!"
- "All theory that was explained has come with a hands on session."
- "I liked the eagerness to help us learn by embracing any question we had, no matter how dumb or complicated (we discovered the answer together)."
- "Everything, but I can't omit to say about the Kahoot sessions because, in this way, we were able to review the notions presented, and in case of wrong answers, our trainer offered us the explanations again.
Sesiuni Junos
- "Mi-a placut modul de transfer al informatiilor sub o forma cat mai simplistia si usor de inteles."
- "Am apreciat faptul ca toate notiunile tehnice au fost prezentate cu profesionalism si totodata gradul de interactiune al trainerului cu sala."
Sesiuni Shell Scripting
- "The instructor has a deep understanding of the topics discussed and has provided detailed explanations in the available time. Also, I really liked that the discussion was mostly based on various examples, which makes it easier to understand the concepts/commands/structures."
- "Exemplificarea operatiunilor, nu doar interactiunea verbala, a cuprins multa informatie noua si stimulatoare pentru mine; abia astept sa aprofundez."
- "There were many interesting things presented which will help me understand better bash shell scripting in the future. Moreover there was a lot of information and maybe it would have taken longer to understand it."
Sesiuni Linux Fundamentals
- "Mi-a placut ca am facut exercitii, ce nu mi-a placut ca a fost online, dar tine efectiv de pandemie, nu cred ca este un defect al profesorului sau cursului."
- "Mi-a placut foarte mult modul de a explica orice concept prezentat prin exemple efective, pentru a ne ajuta sa intelegem cat mai ok. Nu pot spune ca nu mi-a placut ceva anume. Ritmul de predare mi s-a parut echilibrat, materia a fost comprimata bine."
- 'Mi-a placut foarte mult cum a fost organziat cursul, cum a fost oferit si a functionat laboratorul. E primul curs online de genul acesta la care am participat si eram reticent ca va iesi bine."
- "Mi-a placut faptul ca intr-adevar informatiile au fost structurate astfel incat sa ia participantii de la nivelul incepator, iar pas cu pas au urmat concepte tot mai amanuntite."
- "The presentations was very comprehensive and the information very well structured."
- "Laboratoarele imediat dupa predarea partii teoretice."
- "The training was well structured and very well suited for a beginner, the additional explanations of the instructor were very helpful in understanding the process from behind every command."
- "Un curs foarte util si interesant, care mi-a captat atentia , dar sunt foarte multe informatii care trebuie procesate intrun timp foarte scurt. Trebuie multa practica pentru a putea retine ce s-a vorbit in acest curs."
Sesiuni Big Data/Hadoop
- "Mi-a placut modul de prezentare, discursul, abilitatea de comunicare. Exercitiile practice pregatite au fost multe si utile."
- "The talented instructor, who explains things well and knows the subject which is being presented very well, so it was a pleasure to have this training with her."
- "Totul! Nestiind mare lucru de big data si Hadoop inainte, acum imi este mult mai clar."
- "I like that I have learned the basic concepts about Hadoop like HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, Hive, Spark, etc."
Sesiuni Websphere Application Server v8.5.5 Administration for Linux and AIX
- “ Multumesc frumos si inca o data vreau sa va spun ca am apreciat foarte mult organizarea si calitatea cursului, atmosfera placuta si constructiva si atentia cu care am fost tratati! As fi vrut sa dureze mai mult! “
- “Instructorul este unul dintre cei mai buni cu care am interactionat. Cunoaste foarte bine produsul si reia explicatiile pana se asigura ca toti stundetii au inteles. Referitor la cuprinsul cursului, ritmul este unul destul de intens, cu greu ne incadram in 7 ore. Pdf-urile de Guide si Exercitii au 1000 respectiv 600 pagini. Oricum cursul este foarte interesant si cele 7 ore trec repede :-)”
- “Keep up the good work!!! I have learned a lot of new things.”
- “Ma bucur ca exista instructori pasionati si dedicati precum Marius care a avut o prestatie EXCEPTIONALA.”
- “Mi-a placut faptul ca instructorul nu pierdea focusul (idee pricipala) cand era interupt si desi timpul a fost "tight", a parcurs toata materia. Continutul a fost bine structurat. Nu au existat intrebari sau situatii care sa puna in dificultate instructorul. “
- “Interesting curriculum, the teacher was very well prepared, I received satisfying answers to the questions asked.”
- “Instructor very knowledgeable!”
- “Everything was perfect!”
Sesiuni Korn and Bash Shell Programming
- “Cursul este mai mult decat util, este exact ce vroiam si ce aveam nevoie. Instructorul este la fel foarte OK. Se pare ca tot efortul depus a meritat:). "
- “Informatia bine explicata, instructorul a insista pana am inteles toti. Un curs foarte detaliat.”
- “Instructoul a furnizat si idei pentru imbunatatirea si usurarea crearii de scripturi folosite in munca curenta, chiar in afara agendei cursului. Am apreciat ca a fost mereu dispus sa ne ajute in orice problema intampinata. Ne-a furnizat sfaturi pentru a putea asimila / invata lucrurile predate.”
- “Mi-a placut ca am pus in practica informatiile predate prin exercitiile de laborator de la finaalul fiecarui capitol.”
- “I was fully enjoying the whole experience.”
- “Exemple foarte detaliate, curs explicat foarte bine.”
- “Thank you for a wonderful balance between learning and good atmosphere.”
Sesiuni VMware NSX Install, Configure, Manage v6.2
- “Instructor a fost super dedicat si s-a implicat destul de mult in predarea cursului. Cele 2 mari puncte forte au fost:
1 - ne-a explicat in detaliu ce nu stiam pe partea de vmware si nu era inclus in curicula NSX (pentru a intelege mai bine toate conceptele)
2 - s-a implicat foarte mult in predarea cursului (in fiecare zi am stat pana dupa 19:00 cu toate ca trebuia sa termine pe la un 17:00-18:00). Si nu am stat degeaba, omul a vorbit continuu (CU ROST).
PS: am avut un alt training in Franta cu o sapt in urma pe PaloAlto cu un american si am termen de comparatie recent. “
- “A very well-prepared instructor; he is very good at what he does. “
- “I liked the topic, its novelty, the instructor professionalism.”
Sesiuni VMware NSX Troubleshooting and Operations v6.2
- “I would like to take another classes in the future with the same instructor. It is very on the matter!”
- “One of the best prepared teachers with very good technical skills.”
- “I liked the way the teacher explained us the topics.”
- “AMAZING guy able to explain simply complex things thru well-chosen examples. Its knowledge spans very different and large domains.”
- “Tehnic e super bazat omul. Are o experienta vasta pe multe domenii iar pt trainingul asta de troubleshooting are tot ce trebuie ... cu minusul minor de la engleza.”
Sesiuni VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage
- “Excellent presentation, great material great info!”
- “Very nice dude! Nice mood!”
- “I am glad to meet such a good trainer! One of the best!"
- “Very useful training, Dan was excellent!
- “Super incantate de curs!”
- “Felicitari pentru organizare si trainer!”
- “Very well organized and structured information.”
Sesiuni VMware vSphere: Optimize and Scale
- “The trainer puts the dots in passionate and IT.”
- “Best trainer I have ever met.”
- “The best instructor I had until know. A very well documented person. He provided very well documented answers.”
Sesiuni Supporting and Troubleshooting Windows 10
- “I want to follow more courses with him as instructor”,
- “It covers majority of the aspects related to w10 troubleshooting.”
- “Very useful and very well prepared instructor!”
- “Pleasant atmosphere, improved knowledge”
Sesiuni ITIL v4 Foundation
- "Provided multiple valuable insights; great, clear examples in order to understand the materials. Learned a lot from the stories shared from personal experience as well."
- "Instructorul a fost spot on, ne-a explicat si detaliat pe intelesul tuturor care nu avem cunostiinte de ITIL si a facut sa fie o experienta utila si placuta in acelasi timp."
- "I liked the most the fact that every concept was explained, examples from the real company life were given."
- "Involvement and knowledge overall were really important and present during all days. The trainer was very friendly and flexible and willing to help us understand to the best of his capacity. It was really nice to have this course with Alin, so thank you for the opportunity! Potential improvement on the English language skills (accents and pronouncement in particular), nothing major :D."
- "The fact that every notion was accompanied with examples that made them more comprehensive."
- "The fact that we discussed clear situations, allowing us to further understand the topics and how everything flows. It helped me understand the collaboration between the provider and consumer from a different perspective."
- "Mi-am facut o idee despre cum ar trebui sa fie fluxul operational si cum pot imbunatati randamentul departamentului in care activez."
- "Very well structured with focus on key concepts/aspects and words."
Sesiuni ITIL Intermediate, Service Operation
- "Cursul este foarte, foarte captivant si te prinde. Nu imi vine sa cred ca deja a trecut ziua. Despre instructor numai cuvinte de lauda, este pur si simplu genial, si un om de la are ai ce invata. Se vede ca are multa experienta, ne da explicatii si exemple pertinente. Imi place mult!"
Sesiuni IBM DataStage Essential v11.5
- "Very good explanations! I appreciated A LOT the examples he provided from his own experience. He was very well prepared! Managed to keep our full attention for 4 days in a row. The course was well organized and convers a wide range of stages, enough to get started using DS. I liked the classroom facilities."
- "I liked the training content and the instructor's presentation."
- "I liked how the trainer explained various topics."
- "It was directly to the point, clear, well organized."
- "I liked the instructor and his knowledge and expertise."
- "Very helpful and coherent in explanations."
- "I liked the trainer, the exercises, the explanations given by material and trainer."
- "I liked the eagerness to help us learn by embracing any question we had, no matter how dumb or complicated (we discovered the answer together)."
- "I believe that the success of a course lies in its trainer and I consider that this week was extremely productive because of the patience, the explanations, the examples, and the answers that our trainer provided us. Thanks a lot!"
- "All theory that was explained has come with a hands on session."
- "Everything, but I can't omit to say about the Kahoot sessions because, in this way, we were able to review the notions presented, and in case of wrong answers, our trainer offered us the explanations again."
Sesiuni TOGAF
- "I liked the instructor wide experience. I got a good view of how EA is done."
- "Well documented, organized, good trainer."
- "How the trainer presented the information and thought us how to answer the certification questioners."
- "Helping material provided by trainer."
- "The trainer was extremely focused and proved exceptional time management ability."
- "I liked that I have got a better understanding of the development process in a large sense."
- "Interactive training!"
- "I liked the content and the instructor!"
Sesiuni Developing Applications in IBM Business Process Manager Advanced v8.5.5
- "I appreciate the instructor dedication and patience. We did so many exercises."
- "The instructor was able to adapt the lecture to our needs and requirements."
- "It was great that Robert adapted to students level and expectations."
- "I liked everything. Curriculum and the manner of presentation, both were great!"
Sesiuni COGNOS Metadata Models, Report Studio
- "Material bine structurat, prezentat bine, ne-a tinut activi."
- "Utilizarea conceptelor teoretice in aspecte practice."
- "Ni s-au oferit exemple de cum e bine si cum nu; ni s-a recomandat cum sa facem unele lucruri si ni s-a atras atentia asupra a ceea ce am putea gresi; cursul a fost bine structurat, multe exemple utile."
- "Imbinarea partii teoretice cu exemple practice din experienta instructorului."
Sesiuni IBM I2 iBase and Analyst Notebook
- "I liked the multitude of practical /applicable examples."
- "Doing practical stuff: exercises!"
- "The combination between theory and practice."
- "I liked the trainer's skills."
- "Mi-a palcut metoda interactiva de predare."
Sesiuni Administering an SQL DataBase Infrastructure MS20764A
- "Mi-a placut prezentarea, continutul cursului, informatiile suplimentare furnizate pentru probleme specifice."