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Cursuri IBM BigData

Vendor Cod Denumire Durata Data
IBM 2M700G IBM BigIntegrate for Data Engineers v11.5.0.2 SPVC 1 zile La cerere
IBM 2W601G IBM BigInsights Overview (v4.0) - SPVC 1 zile La cerere
IBM 2W606G IBM Open Platform with Apache Hadoop (BigInsights V4.0) - SPVC 2 zile La cerere
IBM 2W613G IBM BigInsights Foundation - SPVC 3 zile La cerere
IBM 2W644G IBM BigInsights BigSheets - SPVC 1 zile La cerere
IBM 2W654G IBM BigInsights Text Analytics (V4) - SPVC 1 zile La cerere
IBM DW601G IBM BigInsights Overview (v4.0) 1 zile La cerere
IBM DW606G IBM Open Platform with Apache Hadoop - for beginners 2 zile La cerere
IBM DW613G IBM BigInsights Foundation 3 zile La cerere
IBM DW644G IBM BigInsights BigSheets 1 zile La cerere
IBM DW653G BigInsights Analytics for Programmers 2 zile La cerere
IBM DW654G IBM BigInsights Text Analytics (V4) 1 zile La cerere
IBM DW664G IBM Big SQL for Administrators (v5.0) 0.8 zile La cerere
IBM K03001G IBM BigInsights Overview 0.5 zile La cerere

Cursurile disponibile la cerere vor fi programate in functie de solicitari.